Struggling with low or negative profits? We’ll help you turn your business around. No subscription needed.

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The helping hand you need.

Shopkeeper can go deep into your business and financials and show you how to get your profits up.

Personal advice whenever you need it.

Stop the frustration. Get your business on a path to profitability. Shopkeeper experts are here.

Shopkeeper experts will combine our expertise with data and our experience optimizing profits to show you how to turn your business around for a low monthly fee.

Profitability Diagnostics.

Analyze sales, advertising spend, and operational costs to identify profit drains and inefficiencies.

Example: Examine your product-level profit margins to reveal which items are underperforming.

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Cost Structure Optimization.

Review shipping, fulfillment, and storage costs to reduce unnecessary expenses.

Example: Identify high storage fees at FBA and suggest strategies to lower them.

Revenue Growth Strategies.

Develop tailored growth plans by analyzing market trends and competitor performance.

Example: Pinpoint high-growth opportunities by comparing your products to top-selling competitors.

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Advertising Spend Efficiency.

Audit ad campaigns to maximize return on ad spend (ROAS) and reduce wasted spend.

Example: Analyze ad spend across campaigns to optimize the most profitable keywords and placements.

Cash Flow and Budgeting Plans.

Create cash flow management and budgeting strategies based on sales and expense patterns.

Example: Use monthly sales trends to improve cash flow and maintain a healthier reserve.

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